I am a first-year PhD student at the University of Amsterdam and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), supervised by John van de Wetering. My research focuses on fault-tolerant quantum compilation. By leveraging algebraic number theory and ZX calculus, we aim to design a full-stack quantum compiler that maps a quantum algorithm to hardware with reduced overhead and improved reliability.
My master's research was supervised by Michele Mosca. We explored different aspects of quantum compiling, such as logical circuit characterization and synthesis, NISQ optimization, and graphical derivation of fault-tolerant protocols. In undergrad, I was supervised by Neil J. Ross and Peter Selinger. We studied families of Clifford+T circuits from a number-theoretic perspective. Beyond that, I was trained in quantum circuit synthesis and optimization.
In December 2023, I received a Master of Mathematics in Combinatorics and Optimization - Quantum Information, from the University of Waterloo. In April 2021, I received a combined honours in Mathematics and Computer Science, with a minor in Statistics, from Dalhousie University.
In the fall of 2023, I interned with the application and compilation team at PsiQuantum. My research focuses on the active-volume compilation. Since 2023, I have been co-organizing the weekly ZX seminar.
Research Focus
Quantum circuit characterization, synthesis and optimization
Quantum error correction
Fault-tolerant quantum computing
My research work is listed on Google Scholar.